We, humans, are wanderers. There is an unquenchable thirst for far-away unexplored corners of the earth that make us hop on to one adventure from another. Mighty mountains, pristine beaches, long-lost cultures, and local cuisines call us. Time and again we give in to this urge. But what about times like these when you can't venture out on long journeys; when staying at home is the only option to save the world? Well, you let your mind travel when you physically cannot. And how do you do that, you ask? I have the solution for you. Just dive right into these must-read travel books of all times penned down by some of the phenomenal travel writers and fearless globetrotters the world has ever witnessed. They'll take your imaginations to lands far and wild!

Now, are you ready for some epic adventures? Let's go!

1. "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert - a must-read travel book of all times

"Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert  a must-read travel book of all times

If you are a fan of Julia Roberts, this name would need no introduction, right? Eat Pray Love is a woman's solo travels based on the New York Bestseller of the same name by Elizabeth Gilbert. The author had, in fact, had inspired a whole generation of women into solo travels with this blockbuster memoir.

After a mid-life crisis, she had set out on a year-long global journey leaving behind everything she held dear, her home, her husband, and her successful career. Through her words, you too would be living an adventurous life full of delicious food (Italy), mindful prayers (India), and heart-wrenching romance (Bali).

If you have always been scared about taking a solo trip or you are a solo traveler yourself, Elizabeth's biography of a year of travel and soul searching would leave you much inspired. Beyond regular chick lits, this is one of the must-read travel books of all times for men and women alike.

2. "In A Sunburned Country" by Bill Bryson

Kangaroo in Australia - Bill Bryson's Down Under is a must-read travel memoir based on Australia

For all those of you aspiring to travel to the Land of Kangaroos, add Bill Bryson's "In A Sunburned Country" to your shelf. And if the sunbaked deserts and vast coastlines with giant waves of Australia were still not on your bucket list, I assure you that this travelogue will make you want to travel right away.

It isn't like your typical destination guidebook. Yes, you'd get recommendations but it is far away from being just a travel guide. The travel book is rather a recollection of Bryson's own journey through Australia from east to west. One of the must-read travel books of all times, it takes you through dense forests, pretty coastal cities, and mining towns while also giving you tips on train and car travel and how not to get killed by the continent's peculiar yet fascinating wildlife. Surely, you'd have a fun time reading it with lots of interesting facts to look forward to.

3. "The Alchemist" by Paolo Coelho - one of the must-read travel books of all times

The Alchemist by Paolo Coelho is among the greatest of travel books

Why do you travel? What is your purpose for travel? Is it like a childhood dream or a fancy wishlist that you prepared at the age of 15? Is it your love for food that makes you travel to far-flung places to get a flavor of the local deliciousness? Maybe it is your history books that imbibed in you a love for medieval towns and archeological sites? Or maybe it is just your favorite travel bloggers and Instagrammers making you add newer destinations to your bucket list every day. Whatever be your driving factor, if you love to travel, Paolo Coelho's "The Alchemist" is one of the must-read travel books of all times for you.

The novel's magical realism takes you on a journey of an Andalusian shepherd who is traveling in search of treasure. He crosses deserts, meets several people on his way, wrestles through dangers, and ends up discovering himself in unprecedented ways. There's this fine line between a travel story and spirituality here which will leave you with many questions about your own travels.

You know, how they say that it is all about the journey and not the destination? The Alchemist will make you believe in the quote over and over again. And yes, be a dreamer, be a traveler! If someone told you that magic doesn't exist, don't believe them just yet!

4. "The Beach" by Alex Garland

the beach by alex garland  - an amazing travel book

How many times did you have the picture-perfect idea of a paradise etched on your mind only to be disappointed with an alternate reality when you visited the place? "The Beach" by Alex Garland is a fictional take along the same line, albeit a rather sinister one. It is a cult classic that was once "the book" for backpackers of the X generation by Alex who was a backpacker himself in Europe and Thailand. Backpackers, where are you? Is your backpack ready already or not?

Even if you are not into backpacking travels, you would still be enjoying Alex's vivid delineations of an imaginary island Garden of Eden through the eyes of the young English traveler Richard. It will make you question your ideas of a utopian travel destination while making you dream of the sandy beaches and azure waters of Thailand. The 1996 book was later adapted into a blockbuster motion picture of the same name starring Leonardo DiCaprio. Get ready to drool over your Titanic heartthrob girls!

5. "Full Tilt: Ireland to India with a Bicycle" by Dervla Murphy

the famous travel book  "Full Tilt: Ireland to India with a Bicycle" was written by Dervla Murphy

Talk about inspiring women wanderers that have shaken the travel world and Dervla Murphy is one of the names that instantly pop up in our head. Now in her late 80s, this Irish author and touring cyclist has defined an era of adventure travel and travel writing. It all started with her 1963 solo overland bicycle expedition from Dublin, all the way to Delhi.

Her only assistance? A 0.25 pistol and the warm hospitality of the locals wherever she visited. There werewolf attacks in the Balkans and broken ribs in Afghanistan but also the satisfaction of completing a transcontinental journey, some only true travelers would understand and relate to.

Doesn't it all sound so fascinating to you? Well, it sure does to me! And believe me, her journey, as detailed in her book "Full Tilt: Ireland to India with a bicycle" would make you wish for a life full of travels and more travels. Hers is one of the must-read travel books of all times that you absolutely cannot miss out on.

6. "Dark Star Safari" by Paul Theroux

overlanding from Cairo to Cape Town is the theme of one of the must-read travel books of all times "Dark Star Safari"

Since when have you been dreaming about a safari in the wildlands of Africa (don't tell me you haven't)? Maybe ever since you were a child who learned about the Pyramids of Egypt or the Big Five of Savannah? So, pick up Dark Star Safari by the renowned travel writer Paul Theroux and allow yourself to see the wonders of this oft-misunderstood continent through his eyes.

But, dear reader, hold on! It is not a bed of roses throughout. The picturesque Africa that you dream of is plentiful in this memoir of an Overlanding journey from Cairo to Cape Town. However, simultaneously, there's the danger, dirt, disease, and despondence in people and places throughout the continent. Theroux himself was so miserable that you would want to think twice before ever treading on his path.

But just like all things good and bad, this unabashed travelogue of his adventures would help you see a tourist destination beyond what the travel guidebooks tell you. If you are a true traveler, you'd learn to love the place and its people beyond African safaris. A lifetime of adventures awaits you. See you on the other side, dear traveler!

7. "Lands of Lost Borders" by Kate Harris

world map for Land of Lost Borders - a must read travel book

Have you been much intrigued by the expeditions of explorers like Marco Polo and Ferdinand Magellan? Well, just like you, the award-winning travel writer Kate Harris had dreamt so too. Her love affair with traveling and wilderness had taken her on a year-long bike trip along the ancient Silk Road in Asia.

The travel book is a vivid memoir of her sublime experiences in the region with a taste of exemplary travel writing. It surpasses all the historical and adventure talks and takes you on an insightful exploration of national borderlines. If you are fascinated by the rugged lands and raw experiences that "the stans" and their neighboring countries offer, Land of Lost Borders is a must-read travel book.

8. "A Short Walk in the Hindu Kush" by Eric Newby - a must-read travel book of all times for adventure junkies

panoroma of the Hindu Kush mountains on which the travel book A Short Walk in the Hindu Kush by Eric Newby is based

From haute couture to a life of nerve-wracking adventures in the remote mountains of Afghanistan, this entry in our list of must-read travel books of all times is as hilarious as a travel autobiography book could get. There's a fulfilling amount of comedy that runs throughout this memoir while bringing its characters to life. The danger, the thrill, the hardships, and the joy that Eric Newby talks about, be it while driving through the remote lands of Asia or trekking in the Nuristan, will give you goosebumps at every turn of the page. One epic adventure after another, I tell you!

If you are an adrenaline junkie who seeks out-of-the-box experiences in the wild and unknown outdoors, this travel book is a no-brainer in your TBR list. Or even if you are new to the world of adventure travel, Newby's journey through the Hindu Kush would leave you much inspired. When Newby, a novice in trekking in the 1950s could dare to summit a never-before-conquered 5809 m peak (Mt. Mir Samir, Hindu Kush) in a country where he barely knew anyone, you sure will feel the urge to pack your rucksack and get into your hiking boots when you're done reading. Well, I am going, so, who's joining me?

Feeling all inspired to travel now but your COVID fears are stopping you? Don't worry, we understand your concerns. And that is why at Yuyiii, we have a handpicked collection of getaways right near your cities. You wouldn't even need to travel far to quench your wanderlust, you know? Check out these safe and sanitized stays in Alibaug, in Lonavala, and other such safe getaways near Mumbai. Safe travels!


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